After going through the script and deciding what shot each camera would do, I decided to make the blocking images a bit more detailed and have a little box of what each camera would be showing and what will be going on in that particular scene. By doing this, it would help me visualise the show a bit better and also, when I put it on our group google drive folder, everyone else can see the pictures and understand what will potentially be going on during the show.
I say potentially because I know that this will change eventually during rehearsals and possibly even before then, so I'm expecting changes to be made.
Then, from a result of me and Laura (the Vision Mixer) getting together and looking at the potential shots we could have in the show, the cameras were given colours. This was just to help us separate each of the cameras shots, so when it comes to directing and the actual show, it's quicker for me and Laura to look down at our scripts and know which camera comes first.
I then decided to add the set colours to the blocking images just to keep the continuity there which would then make blocking the show easier for me.
At first I added the shot numbers and types the cameras would be doing in order of what was on the script, which I thought was useful for the camera operators to know. However, updating the rest of the images, I didn't know for definite which camera was showing what shot and when, so I decided to leave that out and just stick with the info I had on the images before.
I also added an image of where the audience will be sat as I thought it was important for us to visualise that along with the set as well. In the Producers original design, there were a couple of rows in front of the track and dolly, and I quite liked this touch as it means the audience won't be distracted by the camera in front. However this could all change when we get into our rehearsals.
At this point in the production, round 3 was changing into something different. This was due to the results of the test shoot which was done previously. As I wasn't sure what round 3 was going to be yet, I decided to leave that out and move straight onto blocking Round 4, which I could now visualise in my head.
There had been a lot of discussion as to whether the table of boxes would be at the front of the set, at the back of the set, in front of the contestants, behind the contestants and so on. After a lot of thinking and talking with the producer about this, I have decided to put the boxes at the back of the set to one side.
This decision was made because it is easier to get some good camera shots with the placement of the boxes in that position. The contestants will be visible for the audience and the cameras, and so will the boxes. The host will be walking behind the table and lifting the boxes up so he isn't in the audiences way and the cameras way as well.
Once Round 3 has been decided in terms of content, I will block that and add that to the drive for everyone to see.
I am aware that this blocking will change during rehearsals, so I am prepared to move things around if we need to.