- Scene 1:
- We need to see Marie straight after Dean has said her name at the beginning, after the corkscrew mishap.
- I wasn't aware we didn't do this already, but we might be able to use a different shot size for this improvement.
- The shot of Marie needs to be cut to quicker after hearing "sweets are natural" from Annie.
- Scene 3:
- When Annie says "are you listening to me?" we need to see Dean reading the newspaper.
- We need a tighter shot of Annie & Dean reading the newspaper so it cuts nicer.
- We can look back at the shots we managed to shoot, and if we struggle we can always try and change the size of another shot, but we'll have to see what will work best.
- Instead of Annie saying "famous. Young and famous. I'm a genius." we should cut straight to the title sequence after hearing her say "famous".
- I think her dialogue is quite humorous, but we're going to try this and see if it makes the scene any quicker, cause it is quite slow at the moment.
- Scene 8:
- We need to cut quicker and cleaner in between the characters movements, so we can cut quicker after Annie leaving the living room and appearing at the door with Bob.
- This is the same for when Dean says "grow up" to Annie and going back to the door afterwards.
- He also wants to see more Bob in scene 8, as he's an interesting character and it gives a good dynamic between the different characters in that shot.
- Scene 9:
- If possible, we could see what Annie is doing on her iPad, so it brings the Instagram theme more into the video and informs the audience of it as well.
- We can definitely try this by shooting another shoot when we do our reshoot which will most probably need to happen.
- We need to see a CU of Dean when we see Betty, especially on the strangle.
- This is something that can be done because we do have a single of Dean, but we originally decided not to use it due to Nisserin and I not really liking it that much.
- However, Nisserin can try and make the shot look better in the grade.
- Scene 11:
- We need to make more out of the gross cookies and really get the idea across to the audience that the cookies he is making our disgusting and abnormal.
- We can get this when we reshoot, but we can get some CU of the baking itself and maybe a CU of the recipe so the audience can read the ingredients being put in with the cookies.
- As said before, there is too much back and we need to see more of Annie's face as she is talking.
- This is why we will need to reshoot this scene.
- We need to see Annie's reverse when she says "he's away on business".
- We also need to see Annie when she is saying "it's now or never".
- Scene 12:
- There needs to be a shot of the view from the binoculars in the door, along with a shoot of the camera on the door.
- We can always go back to the location and get these shots without having the actors with us.
- We should cut back to Marie in the living room after Dean mentions The Last Dish.
- Scene 14:
- This scene doesn't really add anything to the video, so we should delete it, but keep the part of the two characters walking into the door to keep it clear to the audience that they have just arrived home.
- Scene 16:
- Get to Jordan Hamsay in the window quicker and stay on that shot longer.
- Get rid of Annie's dialogue when she says "come to the door quick".
- I'm actually not too keen on this change as I'm not entirely sure it will make much sense with her just saying Dean, because that doesn't necessarily mean Dean should come to the door.
- We might try this, but I don't think we'll make this change.
- Scene 17:
- We might need to reshoot this scene as we need to see Jordan Hamsay's face when he says his name.
- Maybe try and adding bars and tones along with a beep sound or something similar when Jordan Hamsay is sick to keep the humour alive, and make this scene more interesting and fun.
- We also need a reverse of Annie & Dean when they are talking to Marie.
Overall Simon said the video was really good as a whole but we should definitely consider reshooting scene 11 & 17.
We will make most of these changes, and try some of them to see if they work. We also will probably reshoot the two scenes as we want them to be the best they can be, and if we can get the actors back we might as well try.
I'm really happy with the feedback we have got, and I think it's a good amount to work with as this stage in the edit.