When it came to editing I wanted to make the footage look like an Instagram filter to try and create a social media feel to it. To start this I began with the three way colour corrector and I directed all the shadows, midtones and highlights to the blue section of the colour scale. I then adjusted the input levels to make the image slightly darker. I also changed the levels of the image quite heavily. The black input was heavily increased while also creating a contrasting look. The blue and red levels were also adjusted to help create this filter look.
Once I added the adjustment layers to all of the footage in the video I found that the filter look made the video feel like something you'd see on Instagram as well as giving it a little bit of an emotional connection. The blue tones make it seem slightly sad which is something that I wanted to create in the video and also the Instagram tone gives off the impression that I like to use social media quite regularly which also makes the video personal.
For the titles and the quotes shown in the video I decided to use the same font as I liked the boldness of it and I also like that it gave the video a sophisticated and mature look, which is something that I like. To being the video, I have started on a title page with the words "A UCA Production By Rebecca Bennett" and it's white writing against a black background. This then fades into white and the video begins on the sky which is white. I like this transition as it looks like smooth and helps start the video well without it being a harsh introduction.
Within the video I have added 5 different quotes that appear on the screen. One at the start of the video, another at the end and a few during the middle. The fonts of these quotes are the same as the beginning title and they're all roughly the same size. These appear in landscape shots of the water and the beach, the sky with the water in view, and the bench that I am sitting on in the video. I think these quotes really add to the video as, not only does it show my favourite quotes, but also it shows my personality and my inner thoughts in a way.
Sound design is one of the main things we have learnt about in this unit, so I wanted to make it quite prominent in the video. Firstly, in the video I am listening to music through my headphones and at first I wanted the music to be the only thing you could hear until the music is stopped, but I decided that it didn't work as well as I had hoped. So, instead, I added some beach ambience on top and decreased the volume of the music so you could hear it but it isn't the only sound you can hear. The music you can hear is the end of 'Skyscraper' by Demi Lovato and the beginning of 'American Idiot' by Green Day. I chose to add these songs to the video because it added to the personal tone; Demi Lovato is my favourite music artist and has been since she started her career, and I enjoy listening to Green Day and that genre of music.
Once the music stopped, I added some fairly loud wave sounds to add to the beach ambience and also to make it sound quite relaxing. Then once the book comes out of the bag and I start to read it, I have added an echoed sound of turning pages and flipping through the pages. I recorded this separately and to make it sound quite distorted I added an echo to it. I decreased the volume slightly to make it less powerful and prominent as I wanted the beach ambience to still be fairly loud and clear.
Then at the end of the video, due to a seagull appearing in the footage, I have added a seagull noise just to make it more realistic and to end the video nicely.
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