Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Interview Practise - Editing Part 2 | Workshop

After the sound workshop where I was interviewed, we were given the task to create a shot list and a script for it so we could film cut away shots, and then edit it together to create a final video. Due to some complications, myself and Nisserin were put in a group with Sammi, but we decided to use the footage from our workshop as both me and Nisserin were involved in the interview.

  • We wrote the script and then the shot list, and we also wrote out a list of cutaway shots that we needed to shoot to make the video effective and more like a documentary piece. Due to some of the interview being about my interests outside of university, we decided that getting together round my house, when we're not at uni, was a smart idea. 
  • We then discussed filming in the base room at uni, and using some archive footage of my previous YouTube videos, as I do mention a similar topic within the interview.

  • At my house, we shot the clips of me playing the ukulele and singing, and we also filmed a shot of me typing on my laptop - scriptwriting - and editing a video. 
    • This was to show my interest in editing videos, writing scripts and creative writing in general. We also shot some cutaway shots to show my interest in Disney & Giraffes. 
  • Then at the studios we shot footage of me looking through the camera and taking pictures to show my interest in photography and the camera in general. 
  • We then filmed me walking through the base room door and writing on a notebook to emphasise the creative writing interest. 
  • The archive footage we used was me performing in front of an audience a few years ago. We also used some clips of my previous videos on YouTube, and some of the videos I produced while at uni. 
  • While editing this video we started by looking through the interview footage and cutting out the stuff we didn't want like the pauses and the fillers. We watched through the interview and placed the cutaway footage on top of the interview whenever it was appropriate. 
  • We decided not to add background music as we felt it would distract the audience from the interview itself, and also we had a clip of me singing later on in the video, so we needed no sound before and after hearing it. Once it was done we added credits, and we colour corrected the clips to make all of the clips match and to keep the continuity of the shots. 

  • This workshop really helped me with the development of editing and filming a documentary. I realised that a lot of cutaway shots are used within documentaries to help tell the story, and also to keep the audience interested. 
  • This helped, also, with the structuring of my groups documentary as it can give us ideas on how we want to present the footage, and how we want the interview to look.

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