Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Pitch | Development ~ SP

Within my pitch there were quite a few important elements that had to be mentioned in order to show the panel that my idea has been well thought out.

As well as having a synopsis and a single sentence to introduce the show to everyone, we had to explain the format of the show.

My show will be formatted similar to how a book is formatted. The beginning will be the first 3 rounds, the middle will be where one contestant goes home, and the end will be the reveal of the winner.

As seen in the image, different sections of the show will coincide with different sections of a book, for example; the rounds will be called chapters instead of rounds and so on.

In order to give the panel a sense as to what the set design will look like, I created a mood board. This shows the different colour palettes I am aiming for and also it shows the potential images that could be created for the backdrop.

These include book cases, a stack of books (possibly for the podiums) and also it shows a relaxed study room, as this is the feeling I want to try and achieve with the set.

I mentioned the two presenters that will lead the show, and mentioned a few qualities that I'd want them to have. When talking about the different rounds, I made sure to add a few demonstrations like pictures to give the panel a sense as to what the rounds will be like.

There are 4 different rounds: "Never Judge a Book by It's Movie", "It's all in a Word", "His and mine Are the Same" & "Turn the Page".

For the first round, I showed images of movie scenes that were originally books to give examples of what the presenters can recreate.

For the second round, I gave an example of a children's book anagram. While I let the panel figure out what this anagram might be I moved onto the third round. Once the slide was over I revealed the answer.

For the third round I gave a small animated example of how it would go with the matching cards.

For the fourth round I used an image of mastermind so they would know it would be similar to that game show.

I then mentioned the 4 VT's and what the content of them all would be, and I gave out a small hand out of the potential running order. I then showed them, through an image, where the set would be and where the audience will be sat. I then gave a more detailed camera and lighting plan.

I started with the camera placement. Due to having 5 cameras I showed three different placements of where the cameras could possibly go.
Then for the lighting, I similarly showed three different areas that would need to be lit.
These plans were quite rough, but if my idea got picked, the director would have control as to how the lighting and cameras will be placed.

To end the pitch, I gave a few reasons as to why my idea should be commissioned.


The feedback I got for my pitch was all quite positive. They all liked the idea and the concept of each round, and thought my camera and lighting plans were very well thought out and viable. The one thing they did mention was my VT's.
There was a suggestion that I should scrap the educational aspect out of the show and target it at the older generation only. I liked this idea as it would give some space for some adult humour or adult knowledge and there wouldn't be any restrictions so the younger audience can watch it.
This would mean that three of the VT's would have to change, and a new idea for them would have to be created. This could have been slightly hard, however due to the only adult audience, it meant we could find a new direction for the VT's and create something more interesting for it.

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