Thursday, 28 September 2017

Production Company | Development

As part of the project, we have to have a production company to work alongside our final project. As we are in a group, we need to come up with a new one, rather than using our own personal production names. 

Naturally, when thinking of a name, we started with our three initials: B(ecca), L(aura) & N(isserin).
From that, we looked at our genre of comedy and decided to work from that, meaning it would have to relate to laughing or comedy or humour. We all started racking our brains for words that would fit together with her initials, while still having a comedy element.
The words 'Big Laughs Network' came into the mix and we all really liked it. 'Big Laughs' works well with the comedy aspect of the company and our idea, and 'Network' clearly states that it's a company of people working together.

Once we had decided what the name of our Production Company was going to be, we started to think about our logo and an image that would clearly resemble our company. The idea of chattering teeth came up, and we thought that was actually a good idea - it added to the humour and it works alongside our name. Nisserin started working on a logo with our name and the image of chattering teeth, and here are the two outcomes:

The first one is slightly different as the second. We had an idea for the chattering teeth to look like it had taken a bite out of the letter B in the name. Nisserin tried it out, and the first picture is the outcome. We all agreed that it didn't really look as well as we had hoped, and it wasn't that effective. The decision was made to keep it plain and simple, and we all really like the final outcome, which is the second picture.

This logo will appear in the ending credits of our final film, and will appear within the book to clearly identify it's relation to 'Young & Famous'.

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Plan for Pitch | Research & Development

When starting to plan what our pitch would be like, I did some research on the possible ways we could do it.
To start off we need to have a short snappy sentence to entice the audience within the pitch. A formula that is often used that has five simple elements is:
"My story is a (genre) called (title) about (hero) who wants (goal) despite (obstacle)."
 This formula clearly states the drama of the conflict, and gives a brief but clear storyline to a series or film plot. Typically, a clear story can be framed is terms of a protagonist seeking something despite some obstacles in their way.
Next, we need to identify possible genres as it gives context to the project and suggests structure for the story. Some possible genres are: Dark comedy, Buddy comedy, Action comedy, Spy comedy, Romantic comedy, etc.
Along with this, themes need to be identified, and while it's important for a finished project to have once core theme, at the planning stage, it's good to be looking at a variety of themes. Some of the themes that could be chosen are:

  • Weaknesses can be strengths (and strengths weaknesses)
  • Warriors for the 21st century
  • The brotherhood (and sisterhood) of geekdom
  • Humans vs. machines
Another element that needs to be identified are the structural elements. These are fairly obvious and relevant aspects of the project but are not classed as themes. A few examples could be:
  • The culture of elite hackers
  • The NSA recruiting process
  • "Hell Week" SEAL training
  • Powerful supercomputers
The next step is to brainstorm comparisons of other shows or movies similar to our project. This helps get an idea as to what our show's outcome will be like, and also help us with developing our idea further.
Then with all of this new information developed for the project, you can make the pitch sound better and more informative.

This research will aid my group in writing segments of our pitch and make it as interesting and entertaining as possible. This is important as it needs to be engaging for our audience and in turn that should get people intrigued in the idea.

The minimum requirements for the pitch were:
  • Title
  • Major Project or High Concept
  • Format/Broadcaster/Audience
  • Describe the idea in as much detail as you can.
  • Roles (if working in a group)
  • What element you intend to include in your pre-production package and any progress made with it.
We knew we needed to follow these guidelines, but we also wanted ours to be unique and almost humorous to go alongside our comedy genre.
The headings we have decided to talk about within the pitch are:

  • Synopsis
  • Roles
  • TV Inspirations
  • Character Profiles
  • Moodboards (Filming Styles, Lighting Ideas, Tone, Directing Style)
  • Location
  • Casting
  • Channel
  • Audience
  • Test Shoot on Location
  • Advertising
  • Budget
  • Script
This will be presented on a PowerPoint presentation, and we'll have images alongside the text to help carry our idea and show the audience what our idea is clearly. We also want to have our chosen font and colour scheme within the pitch, so the audience can have an even better idea as to what we desire our show to look like.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Distributing Tasks and Jobs | Development

Before we sign or learning agreement for the pre-production book, we had to distribute tasks and jobs in order for us to get everything done and equally.
We already knew that I am the director, Nisserin is the DOP, and Laura is the Producer.
With this information, we just needed to give everything the right jobs that will contribute within their own job. 

We started off by writing down all of the jobs that needed to be done, and all of the different documents and pages that we wanted in our book. This list isn't complete and still might change as the weeks go by:

  • Story and Plot
  • Synopsis and Pitch
  • Directors Statement
  • Film Inspirations
  • British Comedy Research
  • Visual Style
  • Branding
  • Title Sequence
  • Character Profiles/Back Story
  • Cast
  • Crew
  • Locations and Test Shoot
  • Music and other Sounds
  • Equipment List
  • Shot List
  • Storyboards
  • Audience
  • Schedule
  • Budget
  • Marketing and Advertisement and Sponsorship
  • Sitcom Format/Guidelines
  • Broadcasting Overview and Channel
  • Mood and Tone
  • Call Sheets
  • Risk Assessments
  • Moving Image Trailer/Test Shoots
  • Set Design
  • Props
  • Costumes/Style/Make Up
  • Production Company
  • Script
  • Weather Research
  • Credit Style
Once this list was roughly created, we distributed the tasks between the three of us.
Here is my list of jobs to do:
  • Story and Plot - I'll be doing this job alongside Laura as we will both be writing the script.
  • Synopsis and Pitch - I'll be doing this job alongside both Nisserin and Laura.
  • Directors Statement
  • British Comedy Research - Technically, I'll be doing this alongside Nisserin, but I'll be focusing on the content and Nisserin will be focusing on the filming techniques.
  • Character Profiles/Back Story
  • Music Style - All three of us will be doing this.
  • Shot List - Both me and Nisserin will be doing this together, as I'm the Director and she's the DOP.
  • Storyboard - Again, this will be both mine and Nisserin's job due to our jobs.
  • Audience
  • Sitcom Format - I'll be doing this job alongside Laura as we are both writing the script.
  • Mood and Tone (Script, Directing, Editing)
  • Set Design - This will be done with Laura.
  • Choose Props & Costume - This will be done with Laura as it is my job to decide what we need, and it's her job to source them.
  • Make Up Style
  • Production Company - All three of us will be doing this.
  • Script - Both me and Laura will be writing the script together.
  • Bio for Learning Agreement - This to explain what we are in charge of individually.
This will need to be put into a Learning Agreement that will eventually need to be signed by all three of us and Simon.

Now that we know what everyone has to do, we can start working on every task but with the knowledge of definite changes.

Monday, 25 September 2017

Names & Planning | Development

After having sometime to think about our situation with finding a purpose within our show, and potentially having to cut some characters, I have come to my own decision, which I have shared with the others.

Personally, I really like the idea of David & Jackie's children not seeing or contacting their parents and not letting their children have any contact either, due to their age and they aren't deemed as 'cool'. I think this will make for some really quite emotional touching scenes, which will be quite the contrast to the majority of the comedy, happy scenes the audience will see. Even though I love the grandchildren characters, I think it's best that they aren't major characters, as it makes the show more effective and creates an underlying emotion for both the characters and the audience.
Both Nisserin & Laura agreed with this, so we have decided that our characters purpose will be striving for fame and youth in order to have contact with their family. We have decided, however, not to get rid of those characters completely as we might want them within the season finale episode.

Since we have the purpose of the show, we found it a little easier creating an actual name for the show. Originally we came up with 'David & Jackie' which were the characters names, but we wanted it to change as it wasn't catchy enough and it didn't really portray our show in a unique way. We heard the suggestion of '60 going on 40', and we wanted something along those lines. Someone then came up with the phrase 'Young and Famous' and we all loved it. It basically does what it says - Jackie wants to be young, David wants to be famous, and this is now clear through the title.

After deciding on the title of the show, we moved onto character names. We had some starting names for everyone but we weren't 100% sure on all of them. We researched some names that were popular in certain years to help us gravitate our name choosing in the right time era.

Main Characters

To start our search of names for our two main characters, we knew we wanted names that suited well together and had a nice ring. We thought David & Jackie had a really nice ring to it, and it was memorable, so this is something we wanted to stay with our characters. With help from online websites we found names that were popular in the years that both characters were born, and we picked some out. We then put some together in a couple and discussed which ones we thought worked well together, and which ones we didn't like.
The final name couple that we really loved, and have stuck with, is Dean & Annie - or Annie & Dean (both have a good sound).
These names both suit our characters well, and they are both memorable together as a couple. They're also short and snappy which makes it easier to remember and recognise with just one glance.

We have decided to keep the little old lady neighbour's name as Betty, because we really love it. It's short and sweet, which is basically everything that Betty's character is. It's also a very old name, and it's quite common for ladies in the older generation to be known as Betty or something similar.

Round Characters

Our round characters are the other two couples that are Annie & Dean's neighbours. We used the same process, in which we found lists of names that were popular within the years they were born and chose the ones we liked.
The young couple: Claire and Ben.
We thought these names were simple, short and common names that young adults these days would have. They really suit our characters and they are easily recognisable names.
The middle-aged couple: David & Jackie.
Our original main characters had these names, but we had asked the actual couple that inspired us about using their names for the main couple, and they weren't too keen. We changed the main couples names, but we wanted to keep these names within the series somewhere. Hence, why we have called these neighbours David & Jackie.

Minor Characters

Our minor characters are people that aren't necessarily in every episode and also don't have much part within the story line. They have some part within the story, but it's not that big and also they aren't seen or mentioned too much.
The middle-aged couple's son: Jacob.
We had a lot of thought about this name, as we wanted something that was a little different but also, it had to fit his character. This name suits him well, it's sweet, short, and is a mix of common and un-common, which is what we were going for.
The children: Brian & Marie.
These names, we thought, went really well with 'Annie & Dean', and they also match the characters personality. They aren't overly common but they also aren't not known, and we thought that Annie and Dean would pick names that were in between common and uncommon.
The grandchildren: Lewis, Violet & Alexander.
Lewis is Brian's only son and he's a typical teen that likes to be inventive. We thought his name really matched his character and it also matched Brian's character. It's a name that Brian would choose to call his son, and it suits his son well.
Violet is Marie's daughter and she is a typical preteen girly girl. Marie is a creative person who is quite wealthy, and we thought she would choose to give her daughter an uncommon name that is quite quirky and stylish. The name we have chosen really matches her personality and goes really well with her mum's name.
Alexander is Marie's step-son and is a very posh, well spoken, funny but in the jokey sense, boy. His name matches his posh personality, and it portrays him as a smart, wealthy, well bought up little boy. We thought his Dad would be from France or a posh area, so we are really happy with the name we have come up with for him.

We are really happy with the names we have come up with for all of the characters. They might still change, but right now we are very confident with all the names. We think they all match their personalities and they are all recognisable, which is something we thought was really important. We want all our characters to be remembered and we think their names will be a big factor in that.

Sunday, 24 September 2017

Creating a Purpose | Development

After our tutorial we got together and thought about what our purpose for the show is.

Before this, our group had a few changes: It'll just be me, Nisserin and Laura throughout both pre-prodution and major project. This decision was made because we all released that the editing process was something we all wanted some involvement in and Josh decided he wanted to make his own video. This is a better decision for our group as it means we all understand the show and we all want the same things going into the edit.

When thinking about why the audience would want to watch David & Jackie's lives, we had to think about a goal that the characters might have to carry on throughout the whole series. This way the audience has a journey to go on with the characters.
Simon gave us the idea, during our tutorial, that maybe they both strive for fame, and the series is following them doing crazy things in order to make them famous. He told us to look into the old TV sitcoms 'Terry and June' and 'Only Fools and Horses' for some examples of purposes within shows.

Upon looking at these shows, we found that the characters are striving towards a certain goal throughout the whole series. This engages the audience as it gives them something to update on when watching each episode, one after the other. It almost makes the audience feel more involved with the story, creating the sense that both the characters and the audience are going on this journey together.
We obviously were very keen on the audience going on a journey with the characters, so we thought about Simon's idea a little further.

As a group we discussed the notion of Jackie (name TBC) wanting to be young, and David (name TBC) wanting to be famous, but we still needed to find a reason for this want in their lives. Simon, in our meeting, gave us the idea that maybe they don't have any contact with their children/grandchildren because they aren't deemed as 'cool'. So their reasoning for wanting to be young and famous would be to get some recognition and contact from their offspring.
I thought this was a good idea, but myself and the others were attached to the grandchildren characters too much to let go of them.
We have decided to think about this separately and then come together in our future team meeting and make a decision on what our purpose is going to be.

Saturday, 23 September 2017

Finding a Purpose | Tutorial #1

Before we could go any further with our ideas, we had to have a discussion with Simon about them and about our plans for this term and next.

Before going into the tutorial, all three of us went through our idea in order to make sure we were all on the same page as one another. Due to us working in a group we were able to go in together and have a group tutorial rather than individual ones.

Firstly, we mentioned what roles we would like to take on during this project.
Laura will be the Producer & co-writer.
Nisserin will be the DOP.
I will be the director & co-writer.
Then Josh will come in during the second term and edit the video.

We then when on to talk about our genre and initial idea on doing a sitcom. Simon mentioned the matter of sitcoms usually being no longer than half an hour long, whereas our video would have to be no longer than 20 minutes. This is something we will have to consider when researching into other shows and TV channels, and also when we work out how our pilot will be written.
The idea of writing a shorter pilot than the rest of the series could potentially be one we go with, as it allows the rest of the series to have half hour episodes and we only have to shoot a maximum of 20 minutes for the pilot.

When telling him about our main idea 'David and Jackie', one of the main and first questions he asked us was 'Why do we watch David & Jackie?'.
This question did make us think, and we realized we hadn't actually thought about that point. We needed to find why David & Jackie are so important and interesting for people to want to watch their lives unfold.
This was the biggest point that came out of the tutorial, as it was basically the base of the idea. Once we had come up with a reason as to why the audience would want to watch this show and these characters, everything else would unfold from there. We would develop so much more of our story and idea once this question was answered.

He mentioned to us a TV sitcom called 'Terry and June', which introduced the idea of these characters trying to succeed in life. This could be something to work from and we might be able to develop an idea from this show.
Another show that we briefly discussed was 'Only Fools and Horses', in which the characters make a "living by selling dodgy good believing that [in the following year] they will be millionaires." 
This is also something we can look into which will hopefully then aid us into finding an answer to our question.

Coming away from this tutorial, we need to think about why the audience would want to watch this couple and why they would be intrigued in the story. We have decided to think about this answer individually and then come together and talk as a group to narrow down the ideas and come up with one set idea.

Friday, 22 September 2017

Initial Ideas | Development

To start our discussion on our 'old age couple idea', we decided on the two main characters - David & Jackie (working names - not confirmed).
We got the names from the couple that Nisserin knows, and we thought the names had a good sound together. We might make this the title of our show, but before we confirm that we are using these names we will have to ask the real couple and see if they are ok with that.

Our show will be similar to the following shows:
  • 'Outnumbered'
  • 'Gavin and Stacy'
  • 'My Family'
  • 'Mrs Brown Boys'
In the sense of story, comedy style and some of the directing & camera techniques.
The show is set in the modern day so its relatable and also it means we can use current issues to our advantage like social media.

Who are the main characters?

The main characters are David and Jackie.
They are an old couple - about 60 years old.
They have 2 children that are both mid to late 30s.
They also have 3 grandchildren, one that is a step-grandad. The ages of them are 13, 11 & 8.

They were born in the 1950s.
They met in the 1970s when they were in their 20s.

They both attended the same disco. David was the new guy in town, whilst Jackie was known by everyone as the dance champion. During the disco, they have a dance off and for the first time ever, Jackie is beaten by David, damaging her title of 'reigning dance champion'. At first she's jealous but as the years pass she starts to fall for him as she falls for her.
  • One of the aspects of the show we discussed was to show some flashbacks of when they first moved into the village or of when they first met.
  • This might be something we decide against as the idea progresses.

Points about Jackie:
  • Loves instagram.
    • She's always taking pictures on her new iPad, especially her food.
  • She knows all the latest trends.
    • Knows everything before everyone else in the neighbourhood.
Points about David:
  • Technophobe.
  • Joke.
    • Likes to play pranks on everyone.
  • Loves to cook.
    • He's always experimenting with new ways to cook and new things to cook.
      • There was the idea that he applies for Masterchef.

Who lives in the neighbourhood?

Young couple in their early 20s.
  • Engaged, and living in their first home together.
    • They have parties and celebrations regularly.
    • The Maid of Honor is obsessive and more of a bridezilla than the bride herself.
      • We had the idea that at some point - possibly during the pilot - the bride will jump into into David & Jackie's back garden and hide from the MOH.
Middle aged couple in their 40s.
  • They have lived on the street for a long time - but not as long as David and Jackie.
  • Their parenting style is quite strict.
    • Which contrasts with their gay son who is in their 20s.
      • Who is obsessed with Taylor Swift.
    • Due to their parenting style, they are in denial that their son is gay.
Betty, a friendly old woman.
  • She is the neighbor opposite.
  • She has a thing for David - she crushes over him in a really obvious way.
    • Due to this, David flirty side comes out which show his younger side.
    • Overtime Betty is round their house she is very flirty towards David.
      • One of the aspects of this we thought about is she could slap his butt every time she leaves their house.
    • Every time she sees David she brings him a 'token of love'.
      • When she leaves, David stashes these tokens in 'Betty's box' which lives right by the door.
  • She owns a mechanical cat called Arnold - she has an odd side to her.
    • We had the idea that she could have a spy camera in Arnold's eyes.
      • A thought that could work within the show but not the pilot, is Betty goes away on holiday and gets David to look after Arnold and while she is away she spies on him.

Who are the grandchildren?

13 year old.
  • Teenage boy.
    • Typically grouchy, 'don't care' attitude.
  • Has a crush on the 20yr old neighbor.
    • When he sees her, his whole manner changes.
  • He is an only child.
  • Very creative.
    • Likes to make something out of nothing.
      • He uses a lot of David's stuff and makes objects with them.
        • Which then annoys David.
  • He has a market dealer friend.
    • This is important as he gets a lot of materials from him, for his creations.
11 year old.
  • Girl.
  • Jackie lives through her and doesn't leave her alone.
  • She is a typical pre-teen.
    • She gets a new phone and doesn't stop using it 24/7.
  • She isn't really a girly girl in terms of her mannerisms but she definitely isn't a tom boy either.
    • She's a nice mixture.
8  year old.
  • Boy.
  • He is the step-grandson.
  • He's classed as the chess champion.
  • Very civilized and well-mannered, mature and well-spoken.
    • He usually calls his step-grandparents by their real names instead of 'nan & grandad'.
  • Along with chess, he also loves to play badminton.
    • He's a pro player.
  • He's quite a posh character in terms of how he reacts to certain situations and other things.
    • He's different compared to the other two grandchildren.


With these initial ideas in place, developing the idea and story further won't be too challenging for us, and also it gives us a lot to experiment and work with.
We've developed our ideas for characters quite a lot, but really it's giving us a good starting point for the neighborhood and the family. This means if we were to adjust the story slightly, we could easily do so while also possibly developing the characters traits as we go along.

We did create a working plot for our pilot episode, but obviously this might change over time.
The plot we have come up with follows the lines of...
Jackie getting a new iPad - starting her 'instagram famous' journey - and David is waiting for a letter from Masterchef - after applying and wanting to be on the show.
Betty turns up and flirts with David & brings something for David to put in his 'Betty Box'.
Jackie and David mention their grandchildren in a way that includes them in the story.
The bride to be neighbor jumps over fence and the others talk to them about the MOH. 
David gets a letter from Masterchef saying he's been accepted but then Greg Wallace look a like tastes the cookies he's made and takes back the acceptance letter.

These initial ideas are a good starting point, but I have no doubt that they will adjust and change over time as our idea develops even further.

Thursday, 21 September 2017

First Thoughts | Development

When I started thinking about ideas individually I knew I wanted to do something fiction and maybe within the drama genre.

During the summer I started thinking about some ideas. The first idea I had was doing a creative piece - almost a montage type video - as that style is quite appealing to me. I was thinking along the lines of mental illness and how the illnesses are seen through people that actually have a mental illness, rather than the view from the outside. The illnesses I would look into would've been depression, anxiety, insomnia, bulimia (possibly) and maybe something like social anxiety disorder, or OCD.
However, I realised that this all probably wouldn't fit into a 20 minute video, and also it could've come out quite controversial and might've been a sensitive issue for people to watch and venture into. All in all, it would've been an ambitious video to create and a big topic to explore meaning it might've been a much longer project than anticipated.


The group I have assembled with my fellow classmates consist of: me, Laura & Nisserin (with Josh J joining in after filming to edit the piece).

Due to myself, Laura and Nisserin being the main people in the group, the idea would come from us three together. So, we decided to get together and discuss the idea we would create as a group. When we first joined as a group, the idea of a TV series/sitcom arose which gave us all something to think about individually.
With this idea in mind, over the summer, many different scenarios popped into my head.
  • A group of friends (all girls - maybe one male) living together and going through trials of relationships, breakups & job offers. 
  • Something based around old age pensioners and the antiques they go through day by day.
Developing on from these ideas, I met with Nisserin and we discussed the old age pensioners idea a little further. She told me about a couple that she knew and told me about their funny personalities and interesting lives. After much laughter, we thought that maybe we could base our project around them, obviously this was something we had to talk to Laura about before making any further decisions.

We then met with Laura together and mentioned the idea of the old age couple. Laura liked the idea and then we developed on from that.
The type of project we want to make will be along the lines of a sitcom, but due to the budget we will be restricted too, we probably won't be able to make a studio set to film in. However, the idea of basing the filming technique similar to programs like 'Outnumbered' was bought up, and I think this could work quite while. By filming it in the same sort of style as 'Outnumbered' it means we aren't restricted to locations and also it makes the budget more sustainable.

We then when on to discuss the show itself, the characters and the plot of the pilot. (see 'Initial Ideas' blog post)

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Pre-Production | New Unit

To start third year, the first unit for this term is 'Pre-Production'.

For this unit we are to create a detailed pre-production 'package' for an original project that we will come up with ourselves.
There are three different options for the packages we will create during the term.
  1. Professional Pre-Production Package - High Concept
  2. Major Project Pre-Production Package - Major Project Production
  3. Screenplay - Long Form

Professional Pre-Production Package

This choice is all about working on a large-scale idea in a hypothetical way, and aiming to compete with what is currently being watched on the TV.
This package is to communicate the idea to a potential broadcast commissioner, but it won't actually get made and go into production, meaning it will stay at the pre-production stage.
Due to this package being hypothetical, it means you can think big and you won't be constricted to a budget.
The concept of the idea can be anything; a drama TV series, a documentary, a movie, a news show, a studio show, etc.
The package will be made of a variety of different elements, such as; the pitch, the script, casting, production design, the trailer, camera tests, and any other elements of pre-production that you may produce.
We can either work on our own or within a group, and it should be presented in a professional manner. 
Once the next term comes along, and the Major Project unit starts, you must either join a major project group or create a new stand-alone project.

Major Project Pre-Production Package

This choice is all about developing an idea during pre-production along with the package, and then this idea will be taken into production during the second unit.
The package that must be produced for the professional package, is the same package that must be produced for this package. But depending on the size of the group, it needs to be very detailed with a lot of work included.
As said before, the difference between this package and the professional package is, this plan will be taken into production during the second term as the major project.
Depending on the interests and focus you have and want, this choice will be most probably be collaborative with outside sources and others within a group.
Multi-skilling can be an option, but that all depends on the project and the student.
The video at the end of the year will be no longer than 20 minutes long.


If your interest is mainly screenwriting, for this choice, you have the ability to write a long form piece of work through Pre-Production and the Major Project units.
This long form piece of writing can either be a TV series with multiple scripts and more, or a feature length script.
During the pre-production unit, you will develop a detailed plan for the project, including the treatment, synopsis, research, etc. Which is similar to the other two options.
Then during the major project unit, you will write the screenplay with having various drafts and no doubt several scripts.


When looking through these options, all three catch my attention, but the one that I am leaning more towards is the Major Project Pre-Production Package. The reason for this is because I want to challenge myself, this year, to create a piece of work to the best of my ability and have something to show for it at the end of the year. 
I think this package will challenge me and push my strengths to make me better storyteller and film maker. If I do this package I will probably look into working within a group of two or threes I don't think I will be able to do this on my own, and also I think the idea will develop a lot better and effectively with more people on board.

The external collaboration that we can have throughout the both units include these areas of production:
  • Cast/Presenters/Actors
  • Music
  • Production Design/Costume Design
  • Special FX
All the other roles must be filled by classmates or previous graduates.

Once the idea myself and the group I work with develop an idea, we will look into collaborating externally with people of this profession in order to effectively make our project better and more detailed. 

The package we make during the options must include a minimum of:
  • The synopsis and pitch
  • The audience of the idea
  • Script
  • Title Sequence/Trailer/Camera Tests
  • Visuals - Storyboard/Shot Lists/Mood Boards
  • Production Documents
  • Production Design
  • Casting
  • Crew
  • Marketing & Branding
  • Production Company
But as we keep working I'm sure there are many other segments that will be needed.

I'm excited to start this year and I think it's going to be the most challenging year for me. Woking within a team will be fun and developing an idea with others will also be a good experience.
To start I am going to find my group and then start coming up with ideas.