Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Plan for Pitch | Research & Development

When starting to plan what our pitch would be like, I did some research on the possible ways we could do it.
To start off we need to have a short snappy sentence to entice the audience within the pitch. A formula that is often used that has five simple elements is:
"My story is a (genre) called (title) about (hero) who wants (goal) despite (obstacle)."
 This formula clearly states the drama of the conflict, and gives a brief but clear storyline to a series or film plot. Typically, a clear story can be framed is terms of a protagonist seeking something despite some obstacles in their way.
Next, we need to identify possible genres as it gives context to the project and suggests structure for the story. Some possible genres are: Dark comedy, Buddy comedy, Action comedy, Spy comedy, Romantic comedy, etc.
Along with this, themes need to be identified, and while it's important for a finished project to have once core theme, at the planning stage, it's good to be looking at a variety of themes. Some of the themes that could be chosen are:

  • Weaknesses can be strengths (and strengths weaknesses)
  • Warriors for the 21st century
  • The brotherhood (and sisterhood) of geekdom
  • Humans vs. machines
Another element that needs to be identified are the structural elements. These are fairly obvious and relevant aspects of the project but are not classed as themes. A few examples could be:
  • The culture of elite hackers
  • The NSA recruiting process
  • "Hell Week" SEAL training
  • Powerful supercomputers
The next step is to brainstorm comparisons of other shows or movies similar to our project. This helps get an idea as to what our show's outcome will be like, and also help us with developing our idea further.
Then with all of this new information developed for the project, you can make the pitch sound better and more informative.

This research will aid my group in writing segments of our pitch and make it as interesting and entertaining as possible. This is important as it needs to be engaging for our audience and in turn that should get people intrigued in the idea.

The minimum requirements for the pitch were:
  • Title
  • Major Project or High Concept
  • Format/Broadcaster/Audience
  • Describe the idea in as much detail as you can.
  • Roles (if working in a group)
  • What element you intend to include in your pre-production package and any progress made with it.
We knew we needed to follow these guidelines, but we also wanted ours to be unique and almost humorous to go alongside our comedy genre.
The headings we have decided to talk about within the pitch are:

  • Synopsis
  • Roles
  • TV Inspirations
  • Character Profiles
  • Moodboards (Filming Styles, Lighting Ideas, Tone, Directing Style)
  • Location
  • Casting
  • Channel
  • Audience
  • Test Shoot on Location
  • Advertising
  • Budget
  • Script
This will be presented on a PowerPoint presentation, and we'll have images alongside the text to help carry our idea and show the audience what our idea is clearly. We also want to have our chosen font and colour scheme within the pitch, so the audience can have an even better idea as to what we desire our show to look like.

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