Sunday, 27 September 2015

Ideas | Development

My first initial ideas:

Idea 1
  • A child meeting his biological father or mother for the first time.
    • The child would have been a foster child after his parents gave him up after his/her birth.
    • The meeting would consist of the child and the father.
    • The meeting would take place in the father's living room.
    • The child would have some questions he would want to ask about why he was taken into care.
      • The child could possibly be nervous around his father at first, then angry due to some of his father's answers to his questions, and then forgiving after the father's emotions come out.
    • The parent would be quite insecure and nervous at first, due to the fact that he felt guilty for not being there for his child's up bringing.
      • After the child asking the father some questions, the father would feel extremely guilty and possibly even get quite emotional after regretting his decision to give his son away.
      • After realising he made the mistake of letting his son meet him, he tries to convince him to leave, but changes his mind after seeing his son break down with emotions (almost as if they were building up inside him all his life, and now they have just crumbled down).
      • The father would then try and calm him down and talk to him about stuff normal father and sons would talk about.
    • The father would ask for forgiveness from his son, and suggest that they keep in contact if the son would like that idea, which he would.

Idea 2
  • A guy has a mental disorder (possibly depression?) and meets a woman who needs some help finding a place or a lost object.
    • The guy would be going about his normal routine - waking up, making breakfast, getting ready, go shopping, taking a stroll in the nearby park and sitting down on the bench as normal.
    • The woman would either have just moved to that area or is visiting a friend who lives close by and gets lost in the area.
    • The guy would be sitting down on the same bench in the same park as he usually would daily.
      • He usually watches other people around him and makes up stories about them to pass the time.
    • This woman would be walking around trying to find the right place to go, but gives up,
      • Which leads her to find someone near her and ask them for directions.
    • When the woman comes over to the man he would be quite nervous and not realise at first that she was talking to him.
      • At first he would ignore her - unintentionally - and she would try and get his attention.
    • Once the woman has asked the man if he could give her directions, he isn't really sure if he wants to help her but after plucking up a little courage he says yes and asks where she wants to go.
    • They both get up to go and he leads her in the right direction.
      • During the journey he doesn't really talks and just lets the woman lead the conversation but she keeps asking her questions to which he has to answer which makes him more talkative towards her.
    • After walking around in a circle for a while they realise that they aren't really getting anywhere, and it turns out that the guy wasn't actually sure where she wanted to go, he just wanted to be nice and not turn her away.
    • They then use the maps on her phone and realise the place she wants to go is about a half an hour drive from where they actually are.
      • She decides to get a Taxi to where she wants to go, but she doesn't want to say goodbye to the new man she just met.
      • The man also gets this strange feeling that he has never really felt before, and doesn't want to say goodbye either.
    • They decide to exchange numbers at the end of their encounter.
    • The man goes back home and the woman goes to get a taxi, and it's left on a cliff-hanger as to whether they will keep in contact or not.

Idea 3
  • Two sixth form students (one boy and one girl).
    • Boy is quiet, shy, and spends most of his time sketching.
    • Girl is confident, friendly, but people tend to get the wrong idea about her because of her parents.
  • The boy needs to escape from his house as his mother has her boyfriend round.
    • His mum's boyfriend doesn't like her son very much.
    • The boy doesn't like him back.
  • He decides to go to his normal spot in the woods.
    • This is where he likes to doodle and sketch to release his emotions and also to relax and have some quiet time.
  • The girl needs to do some photography work for her course and decides to head to the woods to get some great shoots for her work.
  • She bumps into him and after relaxing from the first initial shock of seeing him there, she  recognises him.
    • They both go to the same school, and they both spend most of their time in the art department due to their courses.
  • She tries to start a conversation with him, but he's quite rude and doesn't want to talk back as he just wants some quiet time.
  • She can tell he isn't interested in a conversation so she slowly backs away and decides to carry on with her photography and leave him be.
    • He then feels guilty for technically sending her away so before she leaves he says she can stay, which she does.
  • She's quite interested as to why he is in the woods and also why he carries around the same notebook everywhere he goes.
    • She asks him questions and he's reluctant to answer, but he does to make her quiet.
  • As she asks him questions, certain points about her own lifestyle come up.
    • He sees her as this snobby rich girl, due to her parents being rich, and decides to call her up on it.
      • She declines all of those rumours and opens up about how she gets upset that people see her as a snob.
  • When they first start talking, he's quite rude to her but as he becomes more open about his past and his life, and as she does the same, he becomes more friendly and is interested about her and her story.
  • While they are knee deep in conversation she get's scared by a noise of a twig breaking and drops her expensive camera.
    • She get's really worried and starts to panic as it won't turn on.
      • He is confused as to why she is worried because 'surely she owns 10 of them', but after confronting her about her worriedness she reveals that her dad would kill her and that her life isn't a fairy tale.
  • Due to his father being a camera-pro, he asks if he can help to which is very thankful.
    • He get's it working in the end and they both exchange smiles and a big hug to which he did not expect.
  • The girl decides that she should probably go back home, and the boy kindly asks if he could walk her home because he wanted to find out more about her.

1 comment:

  1. hi becca - some great work going on here in the journal. Interesting research and thoughts. Very clear. In terms of your ideas - all 3 have potential. You need to think about how you can SHOW your story, rather than a scenario that will require lots of TELLING (talking) - Its what Steve was talking about, showing rather than telling. The 3rd idea of the teenagers meeting seems to have a lot of potential. Try and think about why they are meeting. Perhaps its not for the reasons that are first indicated.... good work.
