Blocking & New Shots
I came together with the DOP and we discussed what new shots we wanted to shoot for both scene 11 & 17. Scene 17 was quite simple, as we knew we needed a shot of Jordan from inside the house, and a shot that acted as Annie's iPad view. We also want a shot of Marie walking out of the car and up the driveway so we can make it more obvious that Marie has arrive at Annie & Dean's house. Going on from this, I want to record a sound effect of a car arriving at the house and leaving, so we can make Marie's arrival and departure more obvious.For scene 11 we needed a shot of Annie's face and we want to try and go through the window. We tried this in preparation and we both decided the shot was really nice. We even decided to go through the other window to get Dean's face when he's mixing the ingredients as we really liked the way the shot looked. We also need more CU of the baking ingredients, and we need to be able to see Dean's recipe. We need to find a place to put The Last Dish logo recipe so it's in shot, but we can make that decision on the day of the shoot.
Nisserin also mentioned, while we had Christine, that we should get a shot of her saying "how did you get in the house" and a few reaction shots. This is a good idea as we might as well use the actors to our advantage while we have them.
We also need to get shots of the iPad screen, so for scene 9 we will get a shot of Annie setting up Instagram, and another in scene 11 where we see her take a picture on her iPad. These shots will give us extra coverage to work from, whilst also bringing the them of the characters being new to these technologies.
Before the reshoot, I fell ill so I wasn't able to work with the DOP in making the blocking and a new shot list. Thankfully, the DOP was very helpful and made the changes for me, and if I thought they needed to be a bit different I would change them - but they didn't need to be changed.
We both decided that there wasn't any point in making a shoot pack for this day as the only crew we were going to have was just us three, and we knew what we needed to get.
We watched through the scenes several times and made a list of the props we needed to have for each scene, especially scene 11 as this is the one where you'll see more of the set. Nisserin very helpfully created a tick list for the props and we will follow this when getting the props together for the reshoot.
Quite a lot of the props are already in the location we will be filming in, but I do own a few of them so I need to make sure I have those prepared for this reshoot.
For The Last Dish recipe book, I decided to create this as I came up with the idea and I had a good idea as to how it could look. I did some research on some of the cook books I own, but also some general cook books, to see what design plan I should get some influence from.
I like the square shaped pictures that are present in two of the recipe books, so I'm going to find some pictures of meals (both breakfast, dinner, dessert & drink) and make them a sharp square shape in order to resemble these recipe book designs. In the Bake Off recipe book, I really like the way the title is in front of a filled in shape which is in front of the background. I want to try and add this into the recipe book as well as it makes the text a lot easier to read, and this is quite important in the audience noticing it in the shot, along with everything else going on in the shot we will be reshooting.
I started off by getting a bunch of different photos of different meals, and I made a grid on photoshop. I put all of the photos in the grid spaces and changed the opacity of the pictures so they were ever so slightly faint. Due to the images being faint, I had to erase the parts of the pictures that weren't in their own grid, which took some time, but it was worth it.
I added the logo of the cooking show, and an extra layer of text that said 'Recipe'. I made the background shape of the text in the same way as I made the background on the logo - which is having three different layers that are three different shades to add some depth. I also added another layer of text that says "Made By Jordan Hamsay" just so it's clear that this show is linked with the character of Jordan Hamsay.
At that is the final design of the recipe book. I then printed it out and stuck it to another recipe book to make it look realistic, and that is the prop we will be using for our reshoot.
I'm really happy with the outcome of this prop, and I think it will look really good in the shot. I also think it will add a bit more foreshadowing for scene 17 during the show, and it will be really effective.
I think we are as prepared as we can be for our reshoot, and as long as we have all of the props and get all the shots done that are on the shot list, we will have a good, relaxing and productive time.
I started off by getting a bunch of different photos of different meals, and I made a grid on photoshop. I put all of the photos in the grid spaces and changed the opacity of the pictures so they were ever so slightly faint. Due to the images being faint, I had to erase the parts of the pictures that weren't in their own grid, which took some time, but it was worth it.
I added the logo of the cooking show, and an extra layer of text that said 'Recipe'. I made the background shape of the text in the same way as I made the background on the logo - which is having three different layers that are three different shades to add some depth. I also added another layer of text that says "Made By Jordan Hamsay" just so it's clear that this show is linked with the character of Jordan Hamsay.
At that is the final design of the recipe book. I then printed it out and stuck it to another recipe book to make it look realistic, and that is the prop we will be using for our reshoot.
I'm really happy with the outcome of this prop, and I think it will look really good in the shot. I also think it will add a bit more foreshadowing for scene 17 during the show, and it will be really effective.
I think we are as prepared as we can be for our reshoot, and as long as we have all of the props and get all the shots done that are on the shot list, we will have a good, relaxing and productive time.