Saturday, 5 May 2018

Adding the New Shots & Finishing the Edit | Development

After the reshoot, Nisserin and I came together and she added the new shots into the sequence. Most of the shots match the scenes and they work really well in the video, but there are two that aren't the best. These are the two shots of Marie walking from the car to the house. In these shots you can tell the weather is awful, and they don't match scene 17 at all. I think the shot works in terms of making the scene better, but I'm not sure it's the best shot ever, so we might be getting rid of it. We're going to see what Simon thinks about it in our final cut viewing, but for now it can stay.

As Nisserin added in the new visuals, I added in the new audio tracks and edited them so they matched the rest of the scene. The only problem I had with the new audio clips was the dialogue of Annie & Jordan is very quiet, especially compared to our original audio clips. I increased the volume of these clips and tried my best to get rid of any hissing or humming noises, but it was quite annoying that the volume was significantly different. This was probably due to the sound operator, who happened to be Laura, being in the wrong spot, or not getting as close as she could've done. I made it work, but it would've been nice for the audio to be a bit better, but there's nothing that can be done about that now.

Now that all of the changes from the last viewing have been made, and the new shots are in place, Simon can now see the cut and give us some final comments of feedback that we can work on coming up to the deadline.
I'm really happy with how the new shots look, and I'm really happy that we decided to get some more shots for scene 11 & 17.

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