Laura's schedule:
What happened on the day?
- First of all, before the reshoot we were sent the reshoot schedule along with the rest of cast, which I was a little bit confused by. It would've made more sense for Nisserin and I to get the schedule before the rest of the cast as we could change it if we needed to. But this wasn't the case, however if anything needed to be changed I didn't hesitate to make a comment about it.
- In the morning, we heard from Laura that David couldn't make today's reshoot, which was quite frustrating but there's nothing we could've done. Laura suggested cancelling the shoot day, but myself and Nisserin said that there wasn't any point in cancelling and we might as well get the shots of the actors that will be coming.
- We arrived at the location and started by setting up the camera and zoom that we needed. Due to us being the only crew, we didn't need as much equipment and it didn't take us too long to set up everything in the right place. However, some of the props that were already at the location weren't prepared beforehand, so we put some of the props I bought in place while Laura was finding the rest of the props.
- Once the actors arrived we decided to start shooting the outside shots of Marie coming from the car. However, the weather was awful and the rain and wind was very hard to work with. Nisserin and I went outside with Liz and started shooting the two shots we wanted, but the weather was awful and the shots were really difficult to get due to that factor.
- We managed to get two shots, but whether we will use them or not is another thing, as the rain was really heavy and it might look like two different days, which is not what we want.
- The weather is quite problematic for scene 11 as well, as we wanted to shoot outside and through the window. We had quite a lot of time to spare, so we decided to take a step back and assess the situation. We discussed as a group how we could film this scene without being outside, being it was too windy and rainy to do that.
- I suggested just reshooting the same shot as before, but I could move Annie so she starts off in the same place as before, but moves the bag and leans her back against the counter behind her, so she is facing towards Dean and you can see her face in the camera.
- This seemed like the only way we could reshoot this, and everyone agreed that this was a good idea, so that is exactly what we did.
- We started by getting the shots of Dean baking and Dean's recipe so we could get that out of the way, and we could experiment with the different shots.
- At the beginning of the shoot day, when we were putting the props in their location, I found that Laura hadn't bought all of the props for making the cookie mixture. This was quite problematic and the continuity of the mixture would be different, but we made do by putting milk and flour in a bowl with the rest of the gross ingredients, we could've put eggs in but there weren't any eggs either.
- Once we shot the MS of this, then another CU of the ingredients entering the bowl, and a CU of the cookie mixture going onto the baking tray, we moved onto the shots of Annie. I blocked the new actions with Christine and she understood what I wanted her to do. We had a few run-throughs and had a few takes of this shot as there were a few line mishaps, but eventually we got the shot we needed, and then we moved onto getting the iPad shots we needed.
- Once these were done we wrapped for the day. After we wrapped we decided that if David could make the day after, we would shoot his shots in the morning. Laura called him and asked, and he said he was free, so we had a second reshoot day the day after.
- Once we arrived we set up the camera, zoom and lights, and we also set up the green screen. We wanted to get some shots of David as Jordan Hamsay to add to the advert, as we thought that would help the audience recognise him at the end of the video. We set up the lights how we wanted them so we could get straight into filming once David arrived.
- When David did arrive, we had him stand in front of the green screen and say a few lines for the advert. We also had him sharpen some knives to add a little bit of entertainment in the advert and make it more realistic.
- Then once I was happy with this footage we moved onto getting the two shots for scene 17. I blocked the scene again with David and showed him the footage we have edited already so he remembers everything. It took a few takes to get right, for both the shot inside the house and the iPad shot, as their were line mishaps and continuity mishaps. But we eventually got all of the shots we needed and it was a relaxed way of shooting, which I really enjoyed.
- Then once I was happy with the shots we got, we wrapped for the day again and packed everything away before taking the equipment back.
This reshoot was a lot more relaxed than our normal shoot days were, but that was probably because we didn't have as many shots to get, and we weren't rushed for time. We did have a few moments where we had to solve problems, but we worked well as a team and communicated well in order to solve these problems effectively. The only thing that I thought was quite time consuming and problematic was finding the props in the house, when they should've been prepared before hand, and also not having all of the ingredients for scene 11. This could affect the continuity of the scene, but hopefully it won't be too noticeable.
Overall, I think this reshoot went really well, and the new shots will definitely make a big difference, but for the better.
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