Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Changing the House Exterior Image | Development

Throughout pre-production we had a few problems with how we would show the exterior of Annie & Dean's house.
We started off with the idea of using my house as the exterior, but we all agreed it wasn't realistic enough to go alongside the interior we were shooting in. We then decided to use Laura's house as both the interior and the exterior as it would be a lot more realistic, but it meant we had to edit the house in order to make it semi-detached. We were originally happy with the turn out, but Simon wasn't as pleased as we were. We then went on to look at different houses that we could use for the exterior but we weren't convinced that they would look realistic.

After the pre-production unit we kept looking, but we all decided that we were going to stick with the edited exterior of Laura's house, as we thought it was very realistic and it matched the interior.
However, Nisserin and I looked at the image once more, and looked at the footage we took during one of our test shoots. We decided to edit the footage in order to see how we would achieve the edited look in video form, and what we would need to do during editing.

Nisserin edited the image on photoshop and we discussed adding in extra touches like the flower beds and different colours to the doors and so on. At this point we still haven't decided what car will be Annie & Dean's, so we might have to reshoot this scene and then reedit it, but for now we're using this when editing.
One of the comments made by Simon was that the house was too large, and it needed to be smaller and almost squashed. I reminded Nisserin of this and she minimised the size of the house, making it seem a lot smaller than the original. The angle we were at when shooting this scene was effective also, as it diminished some of the houses size.

I'm really happy with the final outcome of this scene, and I think it will work really well within the edit, it will work smoothly with the rest of the footage we will shoot, and it minimises any problems we might have with matching the interior and exterior.

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