Sunday, 25 September 2016

News Genre | Research

The News genre is quite a varied one, especially in this time period. When news first started, it was on one channel only [the BBC] and it was a special occasion for family members to sit around the TV and find out what is going on in the world.


  • A television news broadcast was at a disadvantage because of the lack of portable equipment, meaning there was no comparison between newspaper journalism and live, on-the-scene reporting of radio. 
  • During the Kennedy assassination [President John F. Kennedy was assassinated as he rode in a car through downtown Dallas], the TV news grew quickly and "changed TV news coverage forever."
  • The TV news executives had to figure out a way to get live any sort of image, "live video, film, still photos", from the scene to the network studios so it could be shown to the nation. This would've been hard as Satellites weren't around to send videos around the world in present. 


  • More females started working in TV news as co-anchors and such. Also more people from different ethnic backgrounds started working in TV news. For some local stations, they started having news "teams" presenting instead of one man "behind a simple desk".
  • When colour TV was developed, a lot of money was spent on anchor desks, music, logo designs and promotion. The focus of TV news shifted to tell and bring the audience information that they wanted to see, rather than what they needed to know. 
  • News stations decided that their anchor teams needed to be friendly and funny, which led to an era known as "happy talk". They found that having 'banter' between the team members was critical in developing a relationship with the viewers.
  • Also throughout the decade, videotape started to replace film which made getting images on air, easier. 


  • Newscasts stopped becoming dependent on the day's events for their content, instead they started doing a variety of different reports, also known as "franchises". 
  • Computers made an appearance to newsrooms, making everything from finding old stories to important phone numbers easier. 


  • Logos were re-design to something bigger and bolder to attack the attention of the viewers watching. These channels started to show other programs so they weren't just known as a TV news channel.
  • With the internet starting to be a part of people's home, the organisations developed their first email systems along with their websites. They did this so they can communicate with the public through a new media.


  • During this time, there were two very important events that had happened and changed the way the news was aired. One was the 2000 presidential election and the other was the 9/11 terrorist attack.
  • The anchors had to report the bad news while trying to provide some reassurance to the audience. The newsrooms also heard about the rumours of the terrorist event and had to decide whether to share the report with what they knew or wait to get the facts.
  • The website development had allowed video stories to be be posted easily, which also created its own problems. Organisations had to choose whether they put the stories on the internet straight away to compete with other organisations or to hold it off until their on-air broadcasts had gone live.


  • This decade has brought many changes through the technology of news, so it's become harder to determine what viewers want from a TV newscast. There are so many choices as to where people get their news, that the old habit of sitting down to watch the news at 6pm is slowly becoming non-existent.
  • TV newsrooms are making their priority to share information across a variety of platforms. Social media has become very important when reaching different audiences, and electronic devices are keeping people up to date with the news on the go.

While reading this information through I learnt that the way news is being viewed has changed quite drastically overtime. One of the main differences between then and now is that the internet is a bigger factor through the websites and social media sites

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