For our first day of rehearsals, we were all very prepared for what was to come. Myself and Josh had been prepared with the scripts and making sure everyone had one, and we my blocking was well prepared also.
To start the rehearsals Josh decided it would be a good idea to do a script read through so everyone could hear how the show runs together and if there was anything that needed to be changed he could prepare himself for that.
Before doing the read through, the camera operators rigged their cameras, along with the sound desk which was rigged by the sound operator, and myself and Del went through the script. Josh was in the room as well, which meant that Del could tell him if there were things he didn't need in the dialogue, but it was a good time for Del to show me a professional script and how things should be layed out.
Before rehearsals I had annotated the script by hand and scanned all of the pages into the computer. I started off with colour coding it, mainly to help me when looking at the script quickly, but Del told me that, for everyone else's script, it should just be plain. For the next rehearsal I will re annotate the new script without the colour so everyone else can add their own colours to help them. We also found that the camera numbers need to be above the line, in the script, but other than that, everything else that I added to the script was accurate to a professional script.
While reading through the script, we found that Round 4 still wasn't very fair, meaning that Josh has to find an alternative decision for making the round fair. This rehearsal was mainly focusing on the first half of the show so that is something that can be thought about until next week.
After reading the script, everyone went back to rigging equipment, while myself and Imogen looked through the script together. I told her what camera the host will be looking at for each round, which will help her in terms of her directing on the floor.
Once everything was rigged up, I went out onto the studio floor and blocked out the basic layout of the show. I had previously put the blocking images on the google drive, so I think everyone had looked and knew what the blocking was, but I just wanted to make sure that everyone knew how it would look. Everyone seemed fairly happy with how I had blocked the show out, so I decided to go back into the gallery as we started our first rehearsal of the show.
When going into the gallery, I found getting into the directing fairly difficult, so Del directed the first page for me. This was very useful for me as I could watch how Del would do it and use that as inspiration for my own directing. The first few goes of directing, I did feel very under pressure but I had to remind myself that this was my first go at directing. We then had a group chat about the first half of rehearsals and then went for lunch.
After lunch I felt a lot more confident about what we were doing, and I felt a lot better about directing. Having Del there to start helped me a lot as I was able to see him do my job and that helped me with knowing what to say and how to deal with certain situations. Del went out on the studio floor as we had stand ins, and watched what was going on from the floor. I definitely felt a lot better directing and having Del talking to me through talk back was quite helpful as well as he could act as my eyes on the floor.
Our aim for this rehearsal was to make sure everyone knew what the show was, what it would look like, and what everyone needed to be doing throughout the show. Another aim we had was to start rehearsing the first half of the show. We weren't able to do the first half of the show due to the long morning we had from the rigging of equipment and blocking the show. However, we did get through the first round which was good.
I'm confident that everyone knows what the show is and what they are doing throughout it, and I'm also confident that with a lot of practise, all of us will feel better about the show. For me, although right not I'm not that confident with directing everything in the show, I know after more rehearsals I will get used to it and feel a lot better.
Overall, I think we were all very prepared for our first rehearsal and it went pretty well.
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