Sunday, 29 October 2017

Character Profile Additions | Development

Here are screenshots of the character profiles for other characters that aren't seen within the pilot, but will make appearances within the treatments for the other episodes.

Ben Squelch

David Wood

Jackie Wood

Jacob Wood

Brian Davis

Lewis Davis

Marie Dubois

Violet Dubois

Alexander Dubois

Ashley Pierce

Saturday, 28 October 2017

Terry and June | Research

Another one of our TV inspirations for our idea is 'Terry and June'. We were previously told to look into this show in terms of content and character, to help develop our idea further.

'Terry and June' was a Sitcom, and was broadcast between the years of 1979-1987, on BBC One.

"Terry and June Medford are a middle-class, middle-aged, middle-england couple - but not exactly 'average'"
"Residing in suburban Purley, south London, June constantly longs for, and tries to attain a comfy, quiet life. However, she is constantly thwarted by Terry's bad luck, not to mention his childish and often foolish behaviour!"

Unlike other sitcoms that thrive on conflict between characters, the two main characters in this series, Terry and June, are happily married, meaning their problems occur from other aspects of their life. The main idea of the show was Terry's constant desire to impress his boss, and win a job on the "top floor". Every week, Terry would attempt shortcuts to the keys to the executive washroom and every week it would lead him into trouble. Sometimes inanimate objects around Terry would cause the comedy, like to food processor contents over his new suit, or collapsing shelves knocking him out, and more.
This is similar to our idea, as every attempt Dean has to become famous, he ends up in trouble and usually disappointed, and inanimate objects cause him problems. However, Terry always stays pretty positive and keeps trying his luck, which is something we see in our character Dean.

While Terry is trying his luck, June is patient and quietly mocks her husband while she clears up his mess. This is similar to our character, Annie, as she mocks Dean quite often and lets him get on with things, even if she's not convinced it will work out for the better. June is somewhat a sidekick in a sense, which differs from Annie as she has her own problems with getting herself Instagram famous and young.

In terms of filming style, it's not necessarily similar to our choice of filming. This is due to the studio set and having a three wall set with a live audience, whereas we're looking at an on location shoot with no live audience.
In terms of content, it's similar to the comedy we'll be portraying, and the sense of characters as well. Dean will be as ambitious as Terry, and Annie will be as patient as June, but with more of a story for both characters with the same type of goal.

Thursday, 26 October 2017

Character Profiles for Pilot | Development

Here are the character profiles for all of the characters within the pilot, as of Drafts 1 & 2 of the script.

Dean Davis

Character Description:
Dean is an ambitious, smart & stubborn old man. He’s always finding new hobbies, especially ones that will him lead down the pathway to fame, but instead they always seem to get him in trouble. His dry and witty sense of humour always make for a fun atmosphere with his sarcastic jokes, but he does have a caring and comforting side too. He tries to avoid situations with the neighbours and doesn’t enjoy communicating with them too much.

Basic Statistics:
Nickname: Deano.
Character Type: Protagonist.
DOB: 14th July 1950.
Age: 67.
Nationality: British.
Religion: None.
Hometown: Canterbury.
Current Residence: Farling Bay (along the Kent coastline).
Occupation: Retired bookkeeper for an accountancy firm.
Talents/Skills: Creative thinker, Decision making, Goal setting.
Siblings: 1 - Older sister.
Spouse: Annie Davis.
Children: Brian & Marie.
Grandchildren: Louis, Violet & Alexander (step-grandson).
Friends: Neighbours, distant work friends.

Physical Characteristics:
Height: Between 5ft 6 & 6ft.
Weight: Medium Build.
Ethnicity: Caucasian.
Eye Colour: Blue/Brown/Hazel.
Hair Colour: White/grey.
Distinguishing Features: Dodgy hips & bad back (due to his old job).
Clothing: Old, grandad.
Mannerisms: Clicks fingers when he gets an idea, a fidget & can't sit down for too long (because of his bad hips).
Habits: Bites his nails.
Health: Healthy, but has bad hips and sore joints.
Hobbies: Cooking, writing, changes all the time.
Favourite Sayings: "You beauties/beauty", "I'm going to be famous!".
Speech Patterns: British accent, old masculine voice.
Disabilities: None.
Style: Old.
Greatest Flaw: Stubbornness.
Best Quality: Ambitious.

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes:
Educational Background: Achieved good grades in school. Did a business/finance degree at University, and graduated with a 2:1.
Intelligence Level: Moderately High.
Any Mental Illness: None.
Character's Short-Term Goals in Life: To become famous.
Character's Long-Term Goals in Life: To have a good, healthy relationship with his children and grandchildren.
Character Sees Themselves As: Ambitious, talented, jack of all trades.
Character is Perceived by Others As: Stubborn, overly ambitious.
Character's Self-Confidence: High.
Notable Personality Traits: Strong-minded, ambitious, dry humour, brave, grumpy.

Emotional Characteristics:
Strengths/Weaknesses: Strength - Ambitious, caring & comforting.
Weakness - Stubborn, overworking, impatient.Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert.
How Does the Character Deal with...
Anger: Gets frustrated.
Sadness: Bottles it inside & finds it hard to let it out.
Conflict: Doesn't like confrontation.
Change: Likes new things and takes it in his stride.
Loss: Gets sad, but works through it.
What They Want in Life: Regular contact with his children and grandchildren, and fame.
Would Like to Change in Their Life: Their relationship with his children.
Fears: Failing, not achieving long term goal, spiders.
Sources of Happiness: Annie, doing activities he loves.
Sense of Humour: Dry & Witty.
Judgemental or Understanding: A bit of both.
Generous or Selfish: Generous.
Polite or Rude: Polite, but sometimes unintentionally rude.

Story Involvement:
Character's Role: Main male character.
First Appearance: Episode One.
Relationships with Other Characters:
1. Annie Davis: Spouse.
2. Brian Davis: Son.
3. Marie Dubois: Daughter.
4. Lewis Davis: Grandson.
5. Violet Dubois: Granddaughter.
6. Alexander Dubois: Step-Grandson.
7. Betty-Jo King: Neighbour.
8. Claire & Ben: Neighbour.
9. David & Jackie: Neighbour.

Annie Davis

Character Description:
Annie is young at heart, ambitious and caring. She’s always trying to keep up with the latest trends in society, and she likes to make herself look younger than she actually is. She’s definitely a people’s person, and loves to help her neighbours in difficult situations, even if things don’t turn out the way she’s planned they would. She’s always very motivated and positive, but sometimes her goals get her down especially when they’re not going well.

Basic Statistics:
Nickname: Anne.
Character Type: Protagonist.
DOB: 3rd October 1952.
Age: 65.
Nationality: British.
Religion: None.
Hometown: Canterbury.
Current Residence: Farling Bay (along the Kent coastline).
Occupation: Retired hotel receptionist.
Talents/Skills: Photography, initiative, motivation.
Siblings: 2 - Older brother & younger sister.
Spouse: Dean Davis.
Children: Brian & Marie.
Grandchildren: Louis, Violet & Alexander (step-grandson).
Friends: Neighbours, distant work friends.

Physical Characteristics:
Height: Between 5ft 2 & 5ft 6.
Weight: Small Build.
Ethnicity: Caucasian.
Eye Colour: Blue/Brown/Hazel.
Hair Colour: Dyed blonde/brown.
Distinguishing Features: Fresh face, dyed hair.
Clothing: Modern, young, quite glamorous.
Mannerisms: Self-aware, jigging when excited.
Habits: Talking to herself.
Health: Healthy, always doing some sort of exercise.
Hobbies: Yoga, photography, advice giving.
Favourite Sayings: "Oh, Dean!", "I'm going to be young!", "hashtag...".
Speech Patterns: British accent, old feminine voice.
Disabilities: None.
Style: Young.
Greatest Flaw: Obliviousness.
Best Quality: Positiveness.

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes:
Educational Background: Achieved good grades in school. Did a hospitality degree at University, and graduated with a 2:1.
Intelligence Level: Average.
Any Mental Illness: None.
Character's Short-Term Goals in Life: To become Instagram famous & younger.
Character's Long-Term Goals in Life: To have a good, healthy relationship with her children and grandchildren.
Character Sees Themselves As: Young, motivated, positive, ambitious.
Character is Perceived by Others As: Delirious, helpful, overly ambitious.
Character's Self-Confidence: Average/high.
Notable Personality Traits: Determined, motivated, positive & caring.

Emotional Characteristics:
Strengths/Weaknesses: Strength - Trustworthy, considerate, determined.
Weakness - A bit pushy, reckless.Introvert or Extrovert: Ambivert (bit of both).
How Does the Character Deal with...
Anger: Gets moody and quite petty.
Sadness: Cries and likes being comforted.
Conflict: Likes to know what she did wrong, and make it right.
Change: Takes it in her stride, positively.
Loss: Gets upset, but feels sentimental rather than distraught.
What They Want in Life: Regular contact with her children and grandchildren, and to be cool and young.
Would Like to Change in Their Life: Their relationship with her children.
Fears: Losing her children's contact forever, heights.
Sources of Happiness: Dean, her children wanting contact with her, being productive and getting things she wants.
Sense of Humour: Good.
Judgemental or Understanding: Understanding.
Generous or Selfish: Generous.
Polite or Rude: Polite.

Story Involvement:
Character's Role: Main female character.
First Appearance: Episode One.
Relationships with Other Characters:
1. Dean Davis: Spouse.
2. Brian Davis: Son.
3. Marie Dubois: Daughter.
4. Lewis Davis: Grandson.
5. Violet Dubois: Granddaughter.
6. Alexander Dubois: Step-Grandson.
7. Betty-Jo King: Neighbour.
8. Claire & Ben: Neighbour.
9. David & Jackie: Neighbour.

Betty-Jo King

Character Description:
Betty is a little old lady, that has a lot of spare time, so she’s always finding her way into Annie & Dean’s house, pestering them. She’s a flirty character and likes to be playful, especially towards Dean. With a sassy personality it’s almost impossible not to love her, find her cute or funny, but she doesn’t hold back on her opinions. She says what she thinks with no hesitation, and her pet Arnold helps her spy on others.

Basic Statistics:
Nickname: Betty.
Character Type: Major Character.
DOB: 20th June 1940.
Age: 77.
Nationality: British.
Religion: Christianity.
Hometown: Sittingbourne.
Current Residence: Farling Bay (along the Kent coastline).
Occupation: Retired.
Talents/Skills: Investigating, inventive, creative.
Spouse: Late William King.
Children: None.
Grandchildren: None.
Friends: Dean, Annie, neighbours, BINGO players.

Physical Characteristics:
Height: Between 5ft & 5ft 5.
Weight: Small Build.
Ethnicity: Caucasian.
Eye Colour: Blue/Brown/Hazel.
Hair Colour: White/grey.
Distinguishing Features: Short curly hair, glasses on a string.
Clothing: Old, traditional.
Mannerisms: Flirty eyes, arrives unannounced.
Habits: Spying, interrupts, hoarding.
Health: Healthy.
Hobbies: Shopping, flirting, crochet/sewing, knitting.
Favourite Sayings: "...dear".
Speech Patterns: British accent, old feminine voice.
Disabilities: None.
Style: Old, traditional.
Greatest Flaw: Creepiness & bluntness.
Best Quality: Creative, giving.

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes:
Intelligence Level: Low/Average.
Any Mental Illness: None.
Character's Short-Term Goals in Life: Wants Dean to be happy.
Character's Long-Term Goals in Life: To have a happy, fun, fulfilled life.
Character Sees Themselves As: Flirty, friendly, creative.
Character is Perceived by Others As: Funny, creepy, old and crazy.
Character's Self-Confidence: Average/high.
Notable Personality Traits: Creepy, flirty & pestering.

Emotional Characteristics:
Strengths/Weaknesses: Strength - Generous, caring, spontaneous.
Weakness - Blunt.Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert.
How Does the Character Deal with...
Anger: Doesn't hold back.
Sadness: Doesn't let it affect her.
Conflict: Blunt & doesn't mind confrontation.
Change: Oblivious to it.
Loss: Disappointed but tries not to let it affect her.
What They Want in Life: Happiness.
Would Like to Change in Their Life: Being lone.
Fears: Nothing, she's fearless.
Sources of Happiness: Dean, Arnold.
Sense of Humour: Good, quite oblivious.
Judgemental or Understanding: Understanding.
Generous or Selfish: Generous.
Polite or Rude: Polite.

Story Involvement:
Character's Role: Pestering neighbour.
First Appearance: Episode One.
Relationships with Other Characters:
1. Dean Davis: Crush & neighbour.
2. Annie Davis: Neighbour.
3. Claire & Ben: Neighbour.
4. David & Jackie: Neighbour.

Claire Skips

Character Description:
Claire is young, cute, but very dramatic. She always has some sort of drama going on in her life, but it’s emphasised through her melodramatic behaviour and drama queen label. Her attractive appearance makes up for her lack of brains and ditsy characteristics, she’s definitely the stereotypical dumb blonde. She’s starting a new chapter in her book, getting married, having her first house together with finance Ben, and finding out that her best friend & MOH, Ashley, may be a bit more of a nightmare than she thought.

Basic Statistics:
Character Type: Round Character.
DOB: 7th April 1992.
Age: 25.
Nationality: British.
Religion: None
Hometown: London.
Current Residence: Farling Bay (along the Kent coastline).
Occupation: Hairdresser.
Talents/Skills: Hair styling, storytelling, social networking.
Siblings: None.
Spouse: Soon to be Ben Squelch.
Friends: Ashley (her maid of honour), Jacob, neighbours, co-workers, uni friends.

Physical Characteristics:
Height: Between 5ft 3 & 5ft 7.
Weight: Small Build.
Ethnicity: Caucasian.
Eye Colour: Blue/Brown/Hazel.
Hair Colour: Blonde.
Distinguishing Features: Attractive face.
Clothing: Modern, young.
Mannerisms: Crying over dramatically, plays with her hair.
Habits: Biting fingernails, emotional shopping, sleeping with makeup.
Health: Healthy, on a diet to lose weight to git in her wedding dress.
Hobbies: Shopping, scrapbooking.
Favourite Sayings: "Maybe she is right" Or words to that effect.
Speech Patterns: British accent, feminine voice.
Disabilities: None.
Style: Young, fashionable.
Greatest Flaw: Indecisiveness.
Best Quality: Appearance.

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes:
Educational Background: Achieved average grades in school. Went to college to do hair & beauty.
Intelligence Level: Low/Average.
Any Mental Illness: None.
Character's Short-Term Goals in Life: To get through wedding plans successfully.
Character's Long-Term Goals in Life: To have a happy life with Ben and have lots of children.
Character Sees Themselves As: Young, fun, creative & fashionable.
Character is Perceived by Others As: Ditsy, young, indecisive, pushover.
Character's Self-Confidence: Average.
Notable Personality Traits: Ditsy, indecisive.

Emotional Characteristics:
Strengths/Weaknesses: Strength - Considerate, friendly, confident.
Weakness - Pushover, overthinker.
Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert.
How Does the Character Deal with...
Anger: Turns into sadness.
Sadness: Ugly cries and confines in others, such as Annie.
Conflict: Doesn't like confrontation and prefers to rant about it to someone else.
Change: A bit unsure, but doesn't let it affect her too much.
Loss: Cries and confines in others.
What They Want in Life: A large family.
Would Like to Change in Their Life: Nothing.
Fears: Her wedding plans and life plans aren't going to come true.
Sources of Happiness: Ben, shopping, clothes & hair.
Sense of Humour: Good, sometimes oblivious.
Judgemental or Understanding: Bit of both.
Generous or Selfish: Bit of both.
Polite or Rude: Polite.

Story Involvement:
Character's Role: Young neighbour.
First Appearance: Episode One.
Relationships with Other Characters:
1. Ben Squelch: Fiance.
2. Ashley Pierce: Best friend & MOH.
3. Dean & Annie: Neighbour.
4. Betty-Jo King: Neighbour.
5. David & Jackie: Neighbour.
6. Jacob Wood: Friend & neighbour.

Delivery Man

Character Description:
Well known throughout the village, this postman is always dropping off parcels around Farling Bay village. Over time he/she has gotten to know everyone by name, and is really the fly on the wall within the village - he sees and hears everything without being involved.

Basic Statistics:
Character Type: Extra.
Age: 26.
Nationality: British.
Current Residence: Just outside Farling Bay.
Occupation: Postman/Delivery Man.
Talents/Skills: Time management, delivering, organising.
Friends: The Darling Bay village residences.

Physical Characteristics:
Height: Between 5ft 5 & 6ft.
Weight: Medium Build.
Ethnicity: Caucasian.
Eye Colour: Blue/Brown/Hazel.
Hair Colour: Brunette/Blonde.
Distinguishing Features: Over the shoulder bag full of post.
Clothing: Delivery company uniform.
Mannerisms: Friendly greeting at the door.
Health: Healthy.
Speech Patterns: British accent.
Disabilities: None.
Style: Young.

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes:
Intelligence Level: Average.
Character is Perceived by Others As: Friendly, happy, on time & organised.
Character's Self-Confidence: Average.

Emotional Characteristics:
Sense of Humour: Good, finds the neighbourhood quite humourous.
Judgemental or Understanding: Understanding.
Generous or Selfish: Generous.
Polite or Rude: Polite.

Story Involvement:
Character's Role: Delivery Man.
First Appearance: Episode One.

Jordan Hamsay

Character Description:
Jordan Hamsey is a very famous chef in the world of food, and he is now the head judge of the new show ‘The Last Dish’. He’s on the lookout for new contestants and new upcoming chef wannabes.

Basic Statistics:
Character Type: Extra.
Age: 50.
Nationality: British.
Current Residence: London.
Occupation: Chef/TV Personality.
Talents/Skills: Cooking, presenting, judging.

Physical Characteristics:
Height: 6ft - roughly.
Weight: Medium Build.
Ethnicity: Caucasian.
Eye Colour: Blue/Brown/Hazel.
Hair Colour: Blonde.
Distinguishing Features: Chef uniform.
Clothing: Chef uniform.
Mannerisms: Quite stern & doesn't hold back.
Health: Healthy.
Speech Patterns: British accent.
Disabilities: None.
Style: Modern.

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes:
Intelligence Level: Average.
Character is Perceived by Others As: Clever, rude, stern, blunt.
Character's Self-Confidence: High.

Emotional Characteristics:
Sense of Humour: Good, however, he knows when to laugh and when not to laugh.
Judgemental or Understanding: Understanding.
Generous or Selfish: Generous.
Polite or Rude: Both.

Story Involvement:
Character's Role: TV Chef.
First Appearance: Episode One.

Now the character profiles for the character's in the pilot episode, I will start on the characters that will appear in episodes afterwards to add more detail to the story.