This BBC sitcom follows the life of an average family that always seems to have some sort of chaos within their daily life - as explored in a previous post. The target audience of this show is primarily family, due to the whole basis of the show being based around a family of 5. The series was based originally based on the writers, producers and directors, Guy Jenkin & Andy Hamilton’s own experiences of having a young family. It’s clear from the plot of the show that the main audience that would be watching is a family or group of people.Andy said that “it was scheduled after 10pm” even though there isn't any expletives or rude elements to the show, but “it means the show can be watched by anybody; parents who’ve been through the experience of struggling and failing to raise kids in a proper way, but kids seem to like it as well and they root for the children”. It's clear from these quotes that the show would aim to a variety of ages as there is something for everybody to enjoy.
Our audience target range will take inspiration from this, as both shows have similar aspects. Our niche audience will be 40-60 year olds, due to the ages of the two main characters. With having Annie & Dean in their 60s, it means it will attract the older generation due to the relatability they may feel towards the characters. Our mass audience will be 18-60 year olds, or in other words, suited to families. This is due to the variety of characters within the series and the different aspects that go alongside the ages. There will be a lot of relatable aspects for the younger generation, the middle-aged adults and the older generation. For example; Annie wants to be young, and gets involved in subjects such as social media, which would attract the younger generation but also make the situation more relatable for them. By having characters of a variety of ages, it will attract the ages that can relate within society. The humour will also be suitable for all ages within the age range, which is important when attracting and entertaining the audience.
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