Friday, 13 October 2017

Outnumbered | Research

'Outnumbered' is a British TV Comedy, Drama series. It first aired in 2007 and ended in 2014. The synopsis of the show is:
"Comedy about the daily rollercoaster of life with growing children, starring Hugh Dennis as the father and Claire Skinner as the mother." 
One of the reasons that 'Outnumbered' could be a influence to our idea is due to the content and the filming styles of the show. Instead of being filmed on a studio set, it is shot in a house - so on location - and is usually mostly hand held throughout every episode. Both of these elements - the on location shooting and the content of the show - will aid us in deciding what we want our show to look like and how we write the script.


The show is partly improvised, especially by the children, and it's prime plot is about a couple bringing up their three young children. Our show isn't planned to be partly improvised, however both myself and Laura are open to the actors improvising or adding bits in to their lines, to make it seem more natural. What will be similar in terms of content, is the performances by the actors and the realistic problems that occur. This makes the show more relatable for the audience, and this is something we desire for 'Young & Famous'.
The characters within the show are very realistic, and aren't over dramatised through their personalities. In the pilot, the oldest child, Jake, is a pre-teen and it's his first day of secondary school. The way he reacts to his parents running around the house, and how late they're going to be for school, is relatable and realistic for new students going into secondary school - stressed, annoyed, and slightly nervous. 
The middle and youngest child, Ben & Karen, are in their own little world with no intention to go to school in a quick manner. The parents, Pete and Sue, are left to get the youngest kids ready and in the car, while having their own little tiffs and obstacles. Both pairs of characters are very realistic and relatable, which is what makes the series unique and entertaining.
This is an aspect of 'Outnumbered' that we want in 'Young & Famous'. More specifically, we want our characters, Annie & Dean and any other characters, to be relatable and realistic. This is to make the audience interested in the show, and make them feel like they can relate to the characters they are watching.

Filming Styles

Upon watching the show, it is shot on location and it looks like it is mostly always shot with a handheld camera. This is probably to give the sense of chaos and the idea that the audience are flies on the wall. Although the idea of the audience acting like a fly on the wall is a possible idea that I quite like, the handheld shots aren't my ideal look. I want our show to look more static and stable as the show isn't as chaotic in terms of action, and the characters are old so they aren't as active.
We are contemplating using a multi-cam set up, and as far as I'm aware upon watching the show, they use a single-cam set up. Both of these options are good for us, but myself and Nisserin will still deliberate what set up we wish to use for the show.

'Outnumbered' is a genuinely funny show, that clearly represents normal lives that can be seen throughout normal day life. Some of the aspects in the show are useful for us to look at within the development stage of our idea. This is a good show for us to look at and we all think it it can inspire us quite a lot in order to make our show better.

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