Wednesday, 26 October 2016

References to Viral Videos | Development

Within our video we referenced several viral videos and images that we found quite funny. Here is a list of the references we have made within the video:

  • Charlie Bit My Finger - this is a sound bite of "ouch Charlie" and it occurs when Josh lists off the different viral videos. 
  • David Went To The Dentist - this is also a sound bite of "Is this real life?" and it occurs at the same point in the video. 
  • Pen Pineapple Apple Pen - we have referenced this quite a lot throughout the video. We have a pineapple on the table in our interview as well the pineapple in our studio set. We also mention it in the list of viral videos, the interview with Katie Joslin and the recap. 
  • Damn Daniel - this is a reference to a viral video from the beginning of this year and it's mentioned in the list of videos. 
  • X Factor Intro - to introduce Katie Joslin we decided to use our own X Factor style intro with the voice over. To make it more interesting and funny we decided to make it sound like the voice over person was drunk (he gradually slurs his words). We found it funny and we hope the audience will too. 
  • Shia LeBeouf - the video where he says "do it" has been added to the edit step of our step by step guide. Since he says it against a green screen Josh has made him sit in the lower left corner of the screen. 
  • Bottle Flip Challenge - not only is the viral bottle flip challenge our challenge in the live package, it is also mentioned after it when Josh takes a sip of the drink. Since this is quite recent we decided to use it as people will know about it. 
  • Fred - during the recap Josh says "she can't even flip a bottle for Fred's sake" and this is a reference to a character that went viral years ago. To make it even funnier we replaced some of the audience members faces with Fred's. 
  • Bye Felicia - to end the episode Josh says this which is a reference to an Internet meme from the film "Flick Friday". 

Throughout Katie's interview we made small jokes by having images appear on the screen. These images relate to the word she or Josh have said. Here is a list of what we have on the screen:
  • "Saw" - emoji of the two eyes. 
  • "T" - a tea cup. 
  • "K" - the letter k appears. 
  • "C" - the letter c appears. 
  • "Hobby" - the hobbit. 

We chose to make all of these references because they match the topic of our episode, but also we know people will understand them and that helps add a humorous element to our video. I think they work really will within the script and the visuals and I'm sure the audience will understand why we have used them. 

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