For this location, we needed the opposite to Annie & Dean's house - a big, grand, detached house that everyone strives towards.
We realised this would be a hard location to find, but luckily Laura knows someone who lives in a detached house, that has a gate at the front of their house. This clearly shows the wealth of our character Marie, and we really like the idea of that type of house being Marie's.
This is a picture of the house we will be suing for Marie's House. Since we are only using the exterior it makes shooting easier, as we want need to scout the inside of the house. However, before shooting, we will take a trip over there and scope out the exterior of the house to aid us in blocking it correctly and knowing where we can park cars, and so on.
I really like this location, as it looks grand, big and not ordinary - which is the complete opposite to Annie & Dean's house. The only problem we might find with this, is the room we have for placing equipment and cars, as it's off of a country road. We will have to work something out, and find other places for people to park and put equipment down.
In comparison to Marie's house, we have Annie & Dean's house. We obviously have the interior of the house, but we've struggled with finding an exterior of a house that is convincing. Myself and Nisserin came up with the idea to change the exterior of Laura's actual house, and turn it into a semi-detached house.
This was done on Photoshop, and we all think it's convincing enough to be Annie & Dean's house. It is within a village, which is perfect as their house is in the centre of Farling Bay village, and it's accurate to what the door looks like from the inside. When looking out of the door from the inside, which occurs quite often, you can clearly see the patch of green outside. So, by having this as the actual exterior, it's more realistic and works with those shots. However, if we were to have another house, the outside would be completely different and it wouldn't work as well.
We have showed Simon this, and he's to 100% convinced - he thinks it's not ordinary enough. We will keep looking, but if we manage to test this on After Effects, with the trees moving to make it seem less static, then all three of us are happy to go ahead with this. I agree with the ordinary comment, but we could always add or take away a few elements in the edit. The main concern I have is that it looks realistic from the inside shots, and this does.
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