"The word 'Treatment' is used interchangeably and doesn't always mean the same thing."Some treatments are designed to help sell an idea and are so times accompanied by a script. Others are part of the production process. The main difference between the two different treatments is the size of them. Production purpose treatments are a lot longer and include a more detailed scene-by-scene breakdown, whereas treatments that aid in selling ideas can be little more than a one page summary. There isn't a set layout to what a treatment for a TV series should contain, but it needs to have a clear understanding of the basic storyline, setting and the main characters involved.
A treatments would normally contain:
- Title - a good title is often a sign of a solid idea.
- Logline - a powerful one or two-sentence statement of the idea being proposed.
- Synopsis - a three paragraph synopsis outlining the idea in more detail.
- Episodes - a three of four page episode storyline summary.
- Characters - a short descriptive outline for each of the main characters.
- Script(s) - one or two episode scripts, however this isn't necessary.
For our own treatments, we have decided to include the synopsis of each episode, a list of locations & characters needed for the episode, and a scene breakdown. I think having these elements will help get the episode across and will help make the series feel more real and viable.
All three of us sat around and started discussing a plan for each 6 episodes of our series.
Episode 1: 'SON OF A BISCUIT' Pilot
- Annie sees a Kim K inspired celeb wearing a knitted scarf on Instagram.
- Jackie comes round, being competitive with knitting/cross stitching.
- Annie decides to make the largest scarf in the world.
- There is tension between Jackie and Annie.
- Jacob prefers Annie over Jackie.
- Annie is oblivious to Jackie's feelings towards her.
- Arnold goes missing.
- Dean finds him and becomes Betty's 'hero'
- Dean invites Brian to the search party, and he comes along.
- Brian's pub is the location where they come up with the plan for a search party.
- Dress for Success (Say Yes to the Dress) inspired.
- Annie, Claire, Jacob, Jackie & Ashley are involved.
- Always looks at the camera - into the lens.
- Makes chaos - spills her champagne on a very expensive wedding dress - Blame it on Jackie.
- Gets the whole group kicked off the show.
- Annie acts like she knows everything about wedding dresses.
- Robert Antonio gets agitated and ends up having her take over.
- He get's really angry and quits.
- Next morning's newspaper headline is "Robert Antonio QUITS Dress for Success".
- All thanks to Annie.
- Dean get's asked by Betty to fix her leaky tap.
- He goes over and fixes it, but as he finished, something else breaks and he has to fix it.
- Turns out Betty is breaking everything on purpose just to spend time with him.
- There's a competition at the local 'Waterpebbles' to write a book and get it published.
- Dean enters, wanting to write a book.
- He gets a head start on promotion so he makes posters and flyers for people within the village to see.
- He invites the grandkids to come.
- He gets an email, sees the subject of the email.
- "Congratulations...Waterpebbles competition".
- He thinks he's won.
- He turns up at 'Waterpebbles' for his signing, sits behind the desk waiting for people to arrive.
- No one turns up other than Betty.
- David arrives, being the one who won the competition and Dean has to go.
- Annie gets her hair cut by Jacob at the Farling Bay soon.
- Jacob invites Annie to DJ at his party.
- Annie gets the idea that it is a disco type party.
- Annie goes out to buy an outfit and sees Jackie at the shop.
- Jackie questions what she is doing, and gets annoyed when she says it's Jacob party and she isn't invited.
- Annie goes to the party to DJ and invites dean to come once his signing is over.
- He turns up in 80's outfit.
- Annie tells him to go home.
- Dean breaks down in Disco moves in the middle of the dance floor.
- Annie sees a Youtuber on the news.
- Asks Dean what that is, he doesn't know, so she researches.
- She finds YouTube and decides thats the way to become famous.
- Annie & Dean start a YouTube channel.
- They come across Betty's channel 'Arnold Vision' which is Arnold Cam.
- Videos:
- Make-Up Tutorial
- Cooking Prawns cooking video
- Yoga Workout
- Competitive of the videos they make separately.
- They make a video together - looking through photo album and it starts to become an emotional video.
- Dean farts in a really serious moment and brings all the views.
- One of their videos go viral.
Episode 6: 'CHRISTMAS MIRACLE' Season Finale
- Christmas Day.
- Marie calls up and drops out for Christmas Day.
- Village Christmas part.
- Couldn't find a venue, village hall closed to refurbishment/leak (it's not available)
- Claire comes over and cries about it.
- Now that Marie has cancelled on A & D, they offer their home for the venue in an attempt to restore their reputation.
- They go last minute Christmas shopping for decorations and food and stuff.
- The whole village (at least most of) turn up:
- Betty
- Claire & Ben
- David & Jackie
- Jacob
- Just as Dean is about to carve the turkey, the kids and grandkids turn up.
- They all break crackers and open presents.
- Annie and Dean look at each other in a grateful way.
- We did it.
- Annie takes a picture for Instagram.
With having our treatments for the episodes planned out, it means we can start writing them and getting a better feel of the other characters that aren't in the pilot episode.
We have split up the treatments between all there of us, so Nisserin will be writing the treatment for episode 2, I'm writing episodes 3 & 4, and Laura is writing episodes 5 & 6.
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